Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 13 PLE

    • What technologies are you going to have available to you in the classroom? In my future classroom, I will probably have 4 computers in my classroom, and access to a computer lab or a C.O.W. These computers will be equipped with the internet so I will be able to use online resources. I will also have dry erase boards, a projector and an overhead.
    • What technologies are not available that you would like to use in the classroom? Having a SmartBoard would be extremely useful in the classroom setting because it is more hands-on than the students just looking at a PowerPt slide of something.
    • What are some ways to get technologies into the classroom that are not readily available? I first think of downloading programs onto the computer before the school year starts (i.e. Google Earth, Stellarium, etc.). Also, it is important to stay organized and on top of things with scheduling a computer lab or use of a C.O.W. You have to plan ahead in order to effectively incorporate technology into your lessons.

Internet Safety Reflection Week 14 PLE

I read Provident Living Guidelines Regarding Internet Safety. This article talked about how to safeguard homes in order to reduce the risk of family members seeing pornographic materials on the Internet. Some advice it gave was to put computers in public areas of the home (i.e. kitchen, living room), and to install and know how to use filtering programs. It also said to talk about internet safety with your kids so if they come across something, they know to tell their parents, and warn them to not give out any personal info online.

In class we watched 60minutes of material on internet safety, and by these videos, my eyes were opened to the reality of the dangers that exist with internet communication. Although the internet if a blessing (I use it to talk with family members all the time), if you blindly mess around online, you can easily fall into traps. From these videos I learned that people set up websites with addresses similar to popular ones. This is so if someone makes a typo, they will be lead to a different, possibly dangerous site. It is important to note the difference between .com, .net, .gov, and .org. Also, pop-ups and spam are present everywhere, which is why filters are important. I also learned about the presence of cyber bullying, cyber predators, plagiarism, and chat rooms
. Lastly, the program, I-SAFE America, was talked about. This program is of significant value for teachers just like a fire escape plan.

I talked with my mother about what I've learned about internet safety. She is not very tech savvy, and doesn't do a whole lot besides e-mail. Thus, she did not realize a lot of dangers I shared with her, and how easy they can pop-up. I have one more sister left at home, and I think my mom will pay more attention to what she does on the computer. It surprised me when I talked with my mom about how no one is immune to these dangers. No one is invincible. These dangers could happen to anyone. We should never think "nothing will happen if I put my phone number online." It's important to safeguard our house, and be very cautious when surfing the web.

TPACK Report

This presentation is viewable at

TPACK Language Arts Lesson Plan

Name: Haley VandeMerwe

Title: What's YOUR Story?


Students will work in small groups, then individually to brainstorm and create an online blog with stories, as well as a personal narrative of their own. They will learn the aspects reflective writing by using online tools and technology.

Primary Core Objective:

Standard 2
Students will write informational and literary text to reflect on and recreate experiences, report observations, and persuade others

Objective 2
(Extended Writing): Write to identify and reflect on feelings to recreate experiences. (Emphasize short biographies, narratives, or memoirs. Students should use the entire writing process to produce at least one extended piece per term, not necessarily limited to the type of writing emphasized at individual grade levels.)

Materials Used by the Teacher:

  • Computer
  • Create PowerPoint to display an example for the online web they will create

Materials Used by the Students:

  • Computer w/ Internet (for online map and blog)
  • If less computers than students, paper and pencil to write their individual narrative

Technologies Used by the Teacher:

  • PowerPoint

Technologies Used by the Students:

  • Online Web Mapping (for brainstorming) <>
  • Computer to type narrative

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • My students will be able to explain and write an example of a biography/narrative
  • My students will be able to write descriptively, using details as to recreate the situation

Instructional Procedures:

  • 1- introduce the lesson with a PowerPoint explaining what the students will be doing, complete with examples of what the students' final product will resemble
  • 2- split the students into groups of 3-4 (depending on how many computers are available), and have them create a brainstorming map of experiences they could write about <>. This is a good resource to use because all the group members can easily see it and this web will help them come up with ideas for their own narrative which will be created later. The teacher walks around during this time, answering questions and helping to get ideas flowing.
  • 3- students go back to their seats and write a short narrative about an event in their life
  • 4- students then get back in their groups and type their stories on a group blog so the class can share with each other. The teacher walks around the room during this time to help students with the blog.
  • 5-Now it's time for their own extended narrative. If each student has a computer, then they will write the first draft of their narrative (starting with the beginning of their life and ending with the present time). In the meantime, the teacher will put helpful hints and ideas of good descriptive words on the dry erase board, or have a slide of a PowerPoint displayed with writing tips on it.
  • 6- This lesson may take two days, and the students who finish their personal narrative early can start creating a fictional narrative (i.e. a story in first person).


For the students who finish early, they can begin to write a fictional story, a narrative of a made-up character. They can start with a brainstorming web if they can't create a story off the top of their head. They will use the same techniques and guidelines that they learned while doing their own previous work.

Assessment Plan:

I will know my students will have learned the concept I am teaching because they will turn in their final narrative and I will be able to see their work. I will grade these pieces and the students who receive 85% or higher understand the principles that were taught through this lesson.

TPACK Social Studies Plan

Name: Haley VandeMerwe

Title: Connecting with the Past


Students will connect with recent events by reading and seeing where these events are taking place in the world. In groups, students will recognize history's affect on modern day governmental decisions, and how the present is extremely connected with the past.

Primary Core Objective:

Standard 2
Students will investigate the relationship between events of different time periods. Objective 2
Analyze how contemporary concerns and events affect and are affected by history.

Materials Used by the Teacher:

  • Computer
  • Projector
  • Create worksheet with questions about the crimes and punishments of colonial times and how they relate to today

Materials Used by the Students:

  • Computer
  • Pencil and paper to write a paragraph about connections with the past

Technologies Used by the Teacher:

  • Google Earth
  • PowerPoint

Technologies Used by the Students:

  • Current Events:
  • Colonial Crimes and Punishments:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • My students will be able to know where to look to find current events
  • My students will be able cite examples where the present day is connected with the past

Instructional Procedures:

  1. Open up the news website on the projector for the whole class to see. Students take turns reading it outloud, then discuss the events that are read.
  2. Open Google Earth on the projector, and look at the areas where these current events take place. Talk about how the different features on the land could effect the events, or any future events that could happen.
  3. Next, divide the students into groups of 4 and have them go to a computer and read the article found at <>. Have the students fill out the worksheet that has previously been made with questions relating the information to present day cases.
4. Have the students write a paragraph about what they have learned about finding the current news and relating it to historical events. Have them turn in this piece of paper.
  • To be found: three different court cases- students will read the cases and decided on what the final say would be if they had been the judges. They will then read about the actual decision the court made in those situations, and determine why the court ruled this way


Students who finish early can use a computer to look up more news sites so they can develop more of an awareness of current events.

Assessment Plan:

I will know my students have learned the concepts I am teaching because they will be able to get 9/10 questions on a quiz about the news events we talked about in class. Also, they will get a check plus on the paragraph they write about connections with history which they will have turned in to me.

TPACK Science Planning

Name: Haley VandeMerwe

Title: "I see the Moon and the Moon Sees Me..."


This lesson consists of 6th graders learning about the moon and its phases. They will work in small groups to learn the phases together, and why the moon has the phases.

Primary Core Objective:

Standard 1
Students will understand that the appearance of the moon changes in a predictable cycle as it orbits Earth and as Earth rotates on its axis
Objective 1
Explain patterns of changes in the appearance of the moon as it orbits Earth.

Materials Used by the Teacher:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Materials Used by the Students:

  • Computer

Technologies Used by the Teacher:

  • PwrPt
  • Projector

Technologies Used by the Students:

  • For intro, they will watch:
  • Phases of the Moon as it orbits Earth:
  • Interactive activity where students decide what moon phase comes next:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe changes in the appearance of the moon during a month.
  • Identify the pattern of change in the moon's appearance.
  • Design a chart depicting the phases of the moon

Instructional Procedures:

  1. The teacher will first introduce the topic of the day with a PowerPt stating facts about the moon.
  2. Then the students will divide into groups of 2-3 students and get on a computer. They will first watch a video which explains the phases of the moon <> and fill in a corresponding worksheet that they will keep. They may need to watch the video more than once, or pause it to fill-in answers (hence why the class is not watching it all together)
  3. Then the students will go to <> to learn the phases of the Moon as is corresponds to its position while orbiting Earth.
  4. While the students are at the computers, the teacher will be putting up pictures of the moon from NASA on the class blog.
  5. Lastly, the students will go to seperate computers (each student at one) and do the activity at the following link: <> where they determine which moon phase comes next.


For the students who finish early, they will be able to use the computers and look up fun facts and pictures of the Moon to put on the class blog.

Assessment Plan:

I will know my students have learned the concept I am teaching because they will be able to fill in a chart of the moon phases with the respective names. They will turn in this sheet and not miss more than three points.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 12 PLE

One of the things that I learned from these videos is that the teachers use "audio/video resources to find relevant and appropriate information." Also, not only do the teachers create an activity to engage the students, but they also teach the students the basics on "how to use basic equipment for educational activities. On the "I Love Spiders" video, the students not only take part in taking the pictures of the spiders, but they also put the pictures on the class website. They use the website to communicate with other classes so they can see how the spider types differ between places. In the "Habitats" video, the teacher teaches the students to use multimedia software to create a presentation. Also, the students learn about online resources (where they can use pictures, etc.) for their slide show. With this, copyright issues are taught and the students learn about the role that computers have in society. The teachers in both these videos facilitate their own learning process. Also, they effectively use technology for literacy and content by conducting their leeson in this manner.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

TPACK Lesson Plans

Language Arts:
Here's my plan for teaching reflective writing to 8th graders.
What's YOUR Story?

Social Studies:
Here you'll find my outline for teaching students about current events and its connections with the past.
Connecting with the Past

This is my lesson plan for teaching 6th grader about the Moon phases.
I see the Moon