Thursday, April 15, 2010

TPACK Language Arts Lesson Plan

Name: Haley VandeMerwe

Title: What's YOUR Story?


Students will work in small groups, then individually to brainstorm and create an online blog with stories, as well as a personal narrative of their own. They will learn the aspects reflective writing by using online tools and technology.

Primary Core Objective:

Standard 2
Students will write informational and literary text to reflect on and recreate experiences, report observations, and persuade others

Objective 2
(Extended Writing): Write to identify and reflect on feelings to recreate experiences. (Emphasize short biographies, narratives, or memoirs. Students should use the entire writing process to produce at least one extended piece per term, not necessarily limited to the type of writing emphasized at individual grade levels.)

Materials Used by the Teacher:

  • Computer
  • Create PowerPoint to display an example for the online web they will create

Materials Used by the Students:

  • Computer w/ Internet (for online map and blog)
  • If less computers than students, paper and pencil to write their individual narrative

Technologies Used by the Teacher:

  • PowerPoint

Technologies Used by the Students:

  • Online Web Mapping (for brainstorming) <>
  • Computer to type narrative

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • My students will be able to explain and write an example of a biography/narrative
  • My students will be able to write descriptively, using details as to recreate the situation

Instructional Procedures:

  • 1- introduce the lesson with a PowerPoint explaining what the students will be doing, complete with examples of what the students' final product will resemble
  • 2- split the students into groups of 3-4 (depending on how many computers are available), and have them create a brainstorming map of experiences they could write about <>. This is a good resource to use because all the group members can easily see it and this web will help them come up with ideas for their own narrative which will be created later. The teacher walks around during this time, answering questions and helping to get ideas flowing.
  • 3- students go back to their seats and write a short narrative about an event in their life
  • 4- students then get back in their groups and type their stories on a group blog so the class can share with each other. The teacher walks around the room during this time to help students with the blog.
  • 5-Now it's time for their own extended narrative. If each student has a computer, then they will write the first draft of their narrative (starting with the beginning of their life and ending with the present time). In the meantime, the teacher will put helpful hints and ideas of good descriptive words on the dry erase board, or have a slide of a PowerPoint displayed with writing tips on it.
  • 6- This lesson may take two days, and the students who finish their personal narrative early can start creating a fictional narrative (i.e. a story in first person).


For the students who finish early, they can begin to write a fictional story, a narrative of a made-up character. They can start with a brainstorming web if they can't create a story off the top of their head. They will use the same techniques and guidelines that they learned while doing their own previous work.

Assessment Plan:

I will know my students will have learned the concept I am teaching because they will turn in their final narrative and I will be able to see their work. I will grade these pieces and the students who receive 85% or higher understand the principles that were taught through this lesson.

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