As a teacher, I could use TokBox as a way for discussion. Especially over weekends, if the students have questions on homework assignments, they can send me a video message, showing me exactly what they need help on. We could also chat and I could provide extra help if they are having trouble. If I ever have a substitute teacher come in, I can make a video to show the students, explaining exactly what the plan is for the day so the day would not be wasted. I think students would enjoy using TokBox with group projects, as a way to communicate, and also as part of lesson plans (i.e. if I created a video interviewing someone who works in the field we were studying and showed it during class). I think it's sweet that through TokBox, we can communicate with several people who are far away! One thing that I realized in class last week was that technology is all around us! We talked about how we would explain the concept of gravity to students, and then came up with ten different technologies that we could use. From a trampoline, to using projectors, computers and animation, there are so many educational technologies to choose from when it comes to teaching. I think these advances will make learning more interactive, and fun!